Community Herb Garden in Lytle Park Next Year
For many years prior to the “deconstruction” of Lytle Park, the Cincinnati Park Board provided residents around Lytle Park a plot of land in the park where we planted and maintained an herb garden for use by the neighborhood. The Park Board was very supportive and welcomed our involvement. Park Place residents used this as an opportunity to get our hands deep in the dirt and to take responsibility for the herbs’ care by, for example, planting the herbs as a group and each devoting a week to deadheading them and weeding near them. One year, we had an end-of-the-year harvest party to which residents brought dishes made from herbs grown in the garden.
As the renovation of the park nears completion, the Park Board is again planning to have a dedicated community herb garden in Lytle Park, beginning next spring. The Park Board’s horticulturist for Lytle Park, Nick Griggs, has already reached out to gauge Park Place residents’ interest in the new herb garden project. Nick has invited interested Park Place residents to meet with him and other Park Board staff this Thursday at 2 PM at the corner of Fourth and Pike Streets. Nick seems very knowledgeable about herbs and is very enthusiastic about our involvement!
If you’re interested in getting involved in this project, including helping to select, plant, care for, and harvest the herbs next year, please let Paul De Marco know by email, at If you’re available for this week’s meeting with Nick Griggs about the herb garden project, please plan to meet at the corner of Fourth and Pike Streets at 2 PM this Thursday.
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